“The Systematic: An Architectural Interpretation of the holistic and intrusive relationship in medical application & human anatomical theory.”

Before we initiate discussion into the theory, it is important to understand a factor which is best explained by Richard Sennet in his text “Flesh and Stone”, “one need for a master image of the body is conveyed by the phrase ‘the body politic’” , thus, we are attempting to create a ‘body politic’ which assists in the interpretation of ‘body’ into architecture. The intent of this paper is to successfully translate the ideology behind the creation of a theoretical ‘body politic’, by reviewing the transformation of theory throughout design studio 9. Initially we will discuss the origins of graphical representation in human anatomy and the implications with the attempted graphical translation to architectural form. Furthermore we will discuss the development of a Holistic and intrusive theory in attempt to resolve an appropriate connection between Human Anatomical progression, medical application and architecture.


Conflicted Architecture: ‘The Architectural Response of permanent structural methods and its connection to war in Lebanon and Palestine/Israel’

ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on the conflict regions of Lebanon and Palestine/Israel. Researching the field, violence prevails through the history of the regions and extensive architectural research on post war reconstruction has been conducted by professionals such as Eyal Weizman and Robert Bevan and an extensive list of professionals throughout the field. Further Research the medieval construction methods of fortification throughout the Islamic region reveals that war and destruction has influenced the design initiative, with the cause being intercultural violence throughout the region which is still present today. My research aims to provide a link to what seems to be ignored through the research of various professionals, of the construction/design efforts postwar, which, in effect of the cause, aim to ‘fortify’ infrastructure against the next conflict throughout the region. The cause and effect argument began in my observations of travel through the region, inspecting the construction methods, and how well structures are able to hold up to the extensive assault of the enemy. I aim to highlight main historical issues which have influenced such an ideology, with the link of the Israel/Palestine situation through Eyal Weizman’s work, in order to produce grounding for the reason of such extreme construction methods. In case studies and extensive research the hope is to achieve this relationship between design and construction initiatives and the history of conflict throughout Lebanon and the Israel/Palestine.
